It's time to change the conversation. is dedicated to bringing best practice Retail Shareholder engagement to listed companies.
There are many myths, misconceptions, and generalisations about Retail Shareholders. More Retail Shareholders increases valuations, improves liquidity, and reduces volatility. Retail shareholders are ignorant, time-wasters, who only attend AGMs for free tea and sandwiches. Retail Shareholders buy when they should be selling, and sell when they should be buying. Retail Shareholders are longer-term investors, and are more supportive of management. The list goes on.
While some of these claims are true, for some companies, at certain points in time, what they really represent are dangerous oversimplifications of what is a far more nuanced reality - Retail Shareholders don't represent a homogenous pool of capital, and thinking of them in this way leads to flawed decision-making about if, when, and how to engage them.
Retail Shareholders come in all shapes and sizes, all levels of experience, intellect, and interest. They also come with vastly different capacities to invest, and reinvest, in your company. In the same way Institutional Shareholders as a whole are not thought of as good or bad, Retail Shareholders as a whole are neither valuable, or value-destroying.
What they are in 2025, is a larger, more disparate group of Investors than they’ve ever been before. Between 2019 and 2024, almost 1 million new shareholders joined the registers of the ASX’s largest 50 companies (with even stronger percentage increases for mid and small caps*). What’s perhaps even more interesting, is that during this time, the percentage of issued share capital they represented barely changed - remaining around 20%.
Which leads us to the one question worth focusing on:
Q. What is the most efficient way to attract and retain valuable Retail Shareholders in 2025?
And the two reasons to ask this question:
1. Growth of Passive is driving the incentive to engage
As capital continues to flow from Active investment managers to Passive, the pool of ‘influenceable capital’ available for listed companies to engage continues to shrink. With the share of the overall register owned by Retail Shareholders remaining stubbornly constant, the share of influenceable capital controlled by Retail Shareholders continues to rise;
2. Digital technology is facilitating the ability to engage
Delivering personalisation at scale, digital marketing and communication strategies have been used by many industries to facilitate highly efficient, data-driven outreach programs to engage and educate consumers of all kinds. Utilising the same strategies, adapted for the specifics of our industry, listed companies can deliver engaging and educational information to an unlimited audience of investors, to be consumed whenever and however they chose, in a highly efficient, and cost-effective manner.
We believe it's time for a more sophisticated conversation about Retail Shareholders. To address the nuances, to tailor advice to the specific circumstances of individual companies, and most importantly, to provide the practical guidance needed to enable every listed company to efficiently and effectively engage Retail Shareholders.
This is the aim of To meet the Retail Shareholder opportunity, with the tools and strategies listed companies need to capture it.
We believe there’s much for the entire ecosystem to gain from getting this right. Through development of the Listcorp platform, we know a lot about listed companies and Retail Shareholders. Having said that, with a rapidly evolving ecosystem, and technological advances moving faster than ever, we know there’s much more change to come. This being the case, will be a highly collaborative service, enabling listed companies to ask the questions they want answered. And not only will we provide those answers, but more importantly, the tools and services listed companies require to put those answers to good use.
We’re working hard to build out the initial service. We'll provide some free information, but the majority of the value we provide will be reserved for subscribers - listed companies who want the most efficient and effective ways to attract, engage, and educate Retail Shareholders in 2025 and beyond.
If you have any thoughts or questions for us, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We look forward to serving you, and your existing and future Retail Shareholders.
John Daly
*'Trends in Retail Investor Participation and Engagement', AIRA, 27 November 2024